Realtime’s scheduling module is one of the most sophisticated applications available to K-12. The course catalog and course file carry a large amount of important data required for scheduling, master schedule construction, interfacing with State reporting (SCED), graduation requirements, online course selection, and student placement. The master schedule is created through an interactive Master Schedule Builder which facilitates the period of courses as well as selection of teachers and room resources. Student course requests can be entered in 4 ways: 1- by the counselor, 2- by mass update, 3- via the teacher placement module, and 4-online selection through the parent or student portal. The scheduler is particularly effective for class balance and includes numerous options to facilitate various types of schedules including traditional, block, rotate. It also provides a method for scheduling in-class support by placing the students within an existing section, rather than in a new separate section. Automatic handling of pull-out classes such as science labs is provided. It allows for parent and/or student selection of a prioritized elective list which diminishes requiring counselors resolving conflicts as part of the scheduling process. The scheduler is fully automated and integrated with the SIS.
The effectiveness of any scheduling suite requires the accurate collection of Course Requests gathered from teachers, students, and parents, together with counselors and administrator’s full involvement. Realtime offers four powerful ways of assembling course requests and analyzing them before the scheduler is ever executed:
Other Course Request Benefits:
Realtime provides comprehensive Pre-Schedule analysis reports that examine the Master Schedule and Course Request details.
Realtime provides numerous ways to share student schedules. These include: